Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Have you met Nikki ???

This is my little baby...I just love her !!! She is so special to me...

She follows me everywhere, even goes to work with me sometimes. This picture is Nikki resting with her rabbit and bear.

My Little Friend...

This little guy waits for me pretty well every day for me to give him something to eat. After I feed him, he goes his way and I can head out for the day.

On Sunday I went for a walk with a special friend along the dyke, out to the farmers fields and back. What started a just a walk turned into quite a trek around the bay and down a back road back to the marina, We were pretty tired after that journey.

We had a nice spaghetti and meatball dinner aboard after this adventure. I was exhausted after this but it was 'good'.

A Long Sunday Walk...

The river extends out to the ocean right about here, as well, so it gets quite wide and open like a lake.

A picture of one of the farms that we pass on a river (dyke) walk shows the peacefulness of this area of Delta.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My Backyard...Can't beat this !!!

I just love it here in Ladner. I am living in a small, private marina located on Canoe Pass which is just a couple miles from the ocean. To get out you have to go at a rising high tide and the same for returning, as it get really shallow at low tide.

I am just a couple steps away from the dyke that runs along this area of the Fraser river just past the Canoe Pass Bed and Breakfast which is just next door. I have been enjoying going for walks four or five times a week (hopefully more as the weather gets warmer) with my little puppy, Nikki.

I hope to post more often on this blog as I get 'more' settled in my boat. I also plan on posting more pictures of different things I am doing around here on the boat and around the marina.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My New Home...Sorta...

This 37 foot ChrisCraft boat is my part time new home. It's a real beauty, in great condition, needing only basic maintenance and love. I haven't posted for a long time as my life seems to continue to change with each passing day. I never thought at my age (58) I would be living with my mother and brother and also on a boat. It's not a bad situation just a little strange feeling.
I am single as I have left my wife because I can't take any more threats and verbal abuse. It is finally time for me to move forward by myself. It is not what I had expected to happen so many years ago but so be it. I just have to keep grounded in my faith, knowing that Jesus will help me through this.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

My Guitar Lessons...

Sore fingers, aching wrist and tired eyes...and I'm trying to teach myself (sorta). This program I found on the web appears, so far, to be quite good. This Steve Krenz fellow , who happens to be a Christian, actually teaches the same way a (live) teacher would, as I try to remember back 25 years ago when I last tried and failed at guitar.

I have just started with the first lesson which is basically finger exercises and two chords to get you familiar with your guitar. I'm going to attempt to practice 2-3 times a day at about 15 minutes a time until my fingers toughen up a bit, then probably twice a day for 1/2 hour each time (that's my plan).

Well, that's my break for now...back to the guitar !!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My New Challenge...

Takamine EG440SC6 String Acoustic / Electric

Body Shape:


Solid Spruce

Abalone Dots




TP4T Preamp

I know next to nothing about playing a guitar but I feel it is something I have to do. I'm thinking it would be a asset to aquire in order to further my ability to reach people who need to hear about Jesus Christ. I tried playing guitar maybe 25-30 years ago when the kids were little and didn't do too well (I tried the piano, as well with the same results) but now I'm thinking that maybe now is the time. I'm going to practice regularly and hang out with some guys who play now and one of my buddies is really getting into it, so I figure that should encourage me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Perspectives...World Christian Movement...

Well, I have now started to get familiar with my new church, getting to know some of the leaders and programs that they offer. I signed up for two, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, which is about missions, something I am really interested in and another called 'Freedom Session'. I will tell more about Freedom Session another time. Also will tell a little about Cedar Grove Baptist Church another time as well.

Perspectives basically follows four different avenues of why we should be missionaries for Jesus.

There is the Biblical, which is where we started the course a couple weeks ago, about why we are to tell others about God's saving grace, along with prayer and how Jesus fits into it all.

Next is the Historical end of it, which by looking at the chapters in how missions has evolved over the years.

Then there is the Cultural and communication area which appears to discuss the social structure with the church and changes that will happen with different view-points on sin in varying cultures.

Last is the Strategic perspective, this is how to be involved. One thing I learned right off is that there is many different ways, not just going out on the front lines but through prayer, funding, preparing supplies and many other means.

This is a 15 week series with a different speaker each week who is a leader in the field that they are sharing with us. There is a lot of reading, the text book is 778 pages with a study guide of over 160 pages. There is a shorter, binder style book as well with a little less information also available. It can be taken for general information, certificate (answer questions) and audit for university credits, your choice. I chose certificate, just to challenge myself to push a little harder and really understand what missions is all about.

I have a day I will share that, still praying about it alot to see if that is where I want to go...well really where God wants me to go!!! (and it's not far)

Check out the web site The course is offered all over the world at different times of the year and the first two nights are free.

That's all I wanted to share for to get back to the books !!!!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Leaving Friendship...letter to my Pastor...

hey Dean,

I just have to write you to let you know what a fantastic and wonderful journey you led me on !!! I came to you as green as grass, not knowing if I was coming or going, just seeking to fill that part of me that knew there must be something special (different than what I was doing) out there for me.

The past number of years (almost 9 years) have been such an awakening for me, discovering what the Lord can do for me and what I can do for Him.

The journey was at times a tough road to travel, through many difficulties and challenges. Losing Christopher was something I couldn't have handled without you and your mom and for that I will be forever grateful. I always knew that you cared about 'me' and wanted to help me get past the tough stuff and to continue forward as God would want!!!

Between you (as a man of integrity to look up to), Larry (who baptized me and counselled me during my dark days with Rosa) and Chad (who I look to as a loving son growing in maturity), I feel as though I am a new person, a new person in Christ, which is most important. I thought I could never leave the 'safety' of Friendship but I believe now the time has come...I feel I am strong enough to leave the 'nest' and venture out and support my own 'community'.

Our past messages have been about community and that's partially why I thought about leaving...also with Rosa going to Cedar Grove, I feel that it gives me an opportunity to try and save this relationship (and going to all the Friendship functions, including Sunday morning and bible study, by myself wasn't a lot of fun) I re-read the New Testament again this fall and it tells me to forgive and to love as God created us to love. This is something I have to do and I'm praying that God will answer this prayer with my move to Cedar Grove. I know that Kevin and Ken have the same servant heart that you have and that soon I will be plugged in with them in ministry.

I want you to know that I love you as my brother, teacher, servant and is a love that will never diminish or fade away. You have taught me so much and encouraged me beyond my own expectations to become a servant of Jesus and to reach beyond myself to others as He did !!!

Thankyou for everything my friend and I know God blesses His servants, give my love to all...and I will be around, you won't be rid of me entirely!!!

brother Bill