Thursday, November 23, 2006

Volunteering is Life Changing...My Story...

Outreach Missions – Friendship Providers in Action – Prison Ministry (M2/W2)

I have been asked by many people, “Why do you bother with ‘those’ people, why do you go to the streets in the scuzzy areas of the city and go into the prisons with convicted criminals?” You know the ones, the so-called losers of society, the people you walk by silently without looking at them or you say to yourself ‘they put themselves there’.

All I know is that each and every person I meet ‘out there’, whether they are physically, emotionally or spiritually lacking what ‘society’ calls normal, these people are still part of God’s creation and are His children. For most of these people, living like this is not a choice that was made willingly but was brought upon by circumstances usually beyond their own comprehension. They are the lost sheep! (Matt. 18:10-14) We are not to abandon them anymore than we would give up on our own children should they stray from what we have taught them.

If you ever stop and talk to any of them for just a moment you would most likely hear a story that would have you thanking our Lord for the blessings He placed upon you. I feel I was so fortunate that my blessings happened even before I knew and accepted Jesus as my Savior. With His protection over the years, taking me to the edge and then drawing me back, I have learned that I could have been on the streets or in prison, had I not been protected by God’s loving kindness and grace…and for that I thank God each and every day.

If you are up for a challenge and willing to get out of your comfort zone, this may be the ministry for you. You will be blessed in so many ways!!!


At 1:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Bill,
Just wanted to thankyou for sharing. For 5.5 years I and my husband Dave had the privillage of ministering at Gospel Mission 331 Carrol St. Van. I would make and serve soup and sometimes song lead, and Dave would preach the word. It was a real heartwarming experience to see people give their lives to the Lord. I will forever praise Him. He is my Lord and savior.
Lynda Stone


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