My New Challenge...
Body Shape:
Solid Spruce
Abalone Dots
TP4T Preamp
A location to discuss Christianity, golfing, boating and future life adventures.
Well, I have now started to get familiar with my new church, getting to know some of the leaders and programs that they offer. I signed up for two, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, which is about missions, something I am really interested in and another called 'Freedom Session'. I will tell more about Freedom Session another time. Also will tell a little about Cedar Grove Baptist Church another time as well.
Perspectives basically follows four different avenues of why we should be missionaries for Jesus.
There is the Biblical, which is where we started the course a couple weeks ago, about why we are to tell others about God's saving grace, along with prayer and how Jesus fits into it all.
Next is the Historical end of it, which by looking at the chapters in how missions has evolved over the years.
Then there is the Cultural and communication area which appears to discuss the social structure with the church and changes that will happen with different view-points on sin in varying cultures.
Last is the Strategic perspective, this is how to be involved. One thing I learned right off is that there is many different ways, not just going out on the front lines but through prayer, funding, preparing supplies and many other means.
This is a 15 week series with a different speaker each week who is a leader in the field that they are sharing with us. There is a lot of reading, the text book is 778 pages with a study guide of over 160 pages. There is a shorter, binder style book as well with a little less information also available. It can be taken for general information, certificate (answer questions) and audit for university credits, your choice. I chose certificate, just to challenge myself to push a little harder and really understand what missions is all about.
I have a day I will share that, still praying about it alot to see if that is where I want to go...well really where God wants me to go!!! (and it's not far)
Check out the web site The course is offered all over the world at different times of the year and the first two nights are free.
That's all I wanted to share for to get back to the books !!!!