Introduction and Explanation...
I will play the roll of the reporter and read his reports, (and as a group we will read the scriptures). As you will notice the scriptures are not verse-by-verse but sections of verses from the Bible.
I hope that questions will arise from the study itself.
To get the story in chronological order all 4 gospels have to be harmonized. For example in Matthew 21:1-13 makes it sound as if Jesus Christ came to Jerusalem and got the disciples to get a donkey then rode into Jerusalem and then drove out the merchants. What Matthew does is to roll 3 days into one, so if you only read Matt you would get the story as if it happened in one day (what we are attempting is keeping it all in order, each day, through all four of the gospels)
But when all the gospels are harmonized, the story is that when Christ came to Jerusalem, that was 1 day. The next day he rode into Jerusalem on the colt and the day after that he went into Jerusalem and drove out the merchants. Also there is some controversy built into the study that no doubt will get a good discussion going.
The main purpose of the study is to inspire people to explore the ‘Word’ by themselves, not just relying on some one else to do their thinking for them.
I hope it will be an eye opening experience to see that it is possible, through the words of God, to walk beside and listen to Christ for those last 8 days. Also when we go to the Good Friday & Easter service this year it will have a more personnel meaning, as hopefully we will feel that we have shared Christ’s life for those 8 days, as did the apostles.
I would like to think that we may feel that by being in Christ’s life in those final days, it will add more meaning to what this time of the year is all about and be moved to do this personal study every year at this time. Over the years that I have been doing this, God has led me to discover more and more information on this time period.
There are many different ways of approaching this type of study, I hope that more people would be moved to use what I have done as a starting off point and write out the same 8 days for themselves, so that you feel that you have a personal relationship with Christ for those last days that revolutionized the universe. We all do our bible study each day, so it would seem to me that the least we can do out of respect to Christ is to bring back to mind those last days before Christ was killed.
An example of how the study will be presented, using Bible scriptures, telling us what happened each day.
Excerpt from Wednesday and an Example of a Day:
Late in the afternoon, Christ and his disciples then headed back towards the Mount of Olives, over the Red Heifer Bridge and on the way to the Mount of Olives, then into an olive grove called Gethsemane. Now as He sat in the garden, Christ taught ‘end of the age prophesy’ that included The Signs of the Times and the End of the Age, The Great Tribulation, The Coming of the Son of Man, The Parable of the Fig Tree, No One Knows the Day or Hour, and The Faithful Servant and the Evil Servant.
All this information given by Christ and the three following parables now can be anchored in the mind to a time, and a place, and a day, namely, late afternoon in the garden of Gethsemane, on Wednesday two days before the crucifixion.
I find a great advantage to be able to anchor these teachings and actions to a particular time, especially when I hear them in a sermon, because I get a better picture in my mind and the sermon then has more meaning to me.
Sounds great!
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