Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Abiding Life Conference...

We had a great week at the Timberline Ranch in Maple Ridge, B.C. Sunday night until Saturday morning, a long week but well worth it !!! We were well taken care of and
fed like kings (I probably gained a few pounds AND I'm not gonna check that)

The material was quite easy to follow and made a lot of sense. Man was created by God and for God. We learned with placing Jesus first and in front of all that we face each day, we find that Jesus not only came to deliver us from hell in the future but also from the daily hell (lying emotions and thoughts, idolatry, mistaken identity, self-centeredness, unbelief and death) we experience each day.

We found out whether we were (or portion of) Thinker, Feeler and Doer...listing all the characteristics involved in discovering that. I was 50% feeler, 30% doer and 20% thinker, which is how I am most of the time. Also we look into the idea of 'good and bad' idols and how it affects your behavior with yourself, others and God. We all have issues in our life that needs change, the key is to look to God not man for the solution.

The material will also work well for ministering (like the Stephen ministry http://stephenministries.org/ ) to others in pretty well all aspects of life through work, church, family and friends. Most important is that it opens the eyes of the person participating in the program to have utmost faith that Jesus is #1 in our lives and in all that we do each and every day.

On another note, I'm having a stressful time with the prison system with my friend who is in the system...I have to hand it over to Jesus in prayer, Amen (so be it)

God, grant me patience, humility and love of the enemy...


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