Monday, March 27, 2006

Day One (Part Two)...

Lk19:11-27. The Parable of the Minas. As they heard these things, He spoke another parable, because He was near Jerusalem and because they thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately. Therefore He said: "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return. So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, 'Do business till I come.' But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, 'We will not have this man to reign over us.' "And so it was that when he returned, having received the kingdom, he then commanded these servants, to whom he had given the money, to be called to him, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading. Then came the first, saying, 'Master, your mina has earned ten minas.' And he said to him, 'Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.' And the second came, saying, 'Master, your mina has earned five minas.' Likewise he said to him, 'You also be over five cities.' "Then another came, saying, 'Master, here is your mina, which I have kept put away in a handkerchief. For I feared you, because you are an austere man. You collect what you did not deposit, and reap what you did not sow.' And he said to him, 'Out of your own mouth I will judge you, you wicked servant. You knew that I was an austere man, collecting what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow. Why then did you not put my money in the bank, that at my coming I might have collected it with interest?' "And he said to those who stood by, 'Take the mina from him, and give it to him who has ten minas.'(But they said to him, 'Master, he has ten minas.') 'For I say to you, that to everyone who has will be given; and from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me.'"

Arthur Action Reporting.

Because Christ, his disciples and followers were staying over night in Jericho and the following day is the Sabbath, all business arrangements have to be made before sunset as the days in Israel start at sunset and no business can be carried out on the Sabbath.

I have been lucky enough to find myself a small room in a rather a run down part of town. Just about every building is rented out as this route to Jerusalem through Jericho is popular at this time of year, as the religious pilgrims go up to Jerusalem early for their ceremonial cleansing Jn11.55 for the feast of Passover and the days of unleavened bread. Asking around I was able to get some idea what this ceremonial cleansing was all about, from a fellow going by the name of Barnes. The following was the information I received on this Jewish tradition.

This purifying consisted in preparing themselves for the proper observation of the Passover, according to the commands of the law. If any were defiled in any manner by contact with the dead or by any other ceremonial uncleanness, they were required to take the prescribed measures for purification, Lev 22:1-6. For want of this, great inconvenience was sometimes experienced.

See 2 Chron 30:17-18. Different periods were necessary in order to be cleansed from ceremonial pollution. For example, one who had been polluted by the touch of a dead body, of a sepulchre, or by the bones of the dead, was sprinkled on the third and seventh days, by a clean person, with hyssop dipped in water mixed in the ashes of the red heifer. After washing his body and clothes he was then clean. These persons who went up before the Passover were doubtless those who had in some manner been ceremonially polluted.

As I write up my report on today’s events, I reflect the order of today’s actions. 1st the Christ informed his followers that his destination was Jerusalem. 2nd The mother of Zebedee's sons James & John asked for a special favor. 3rd Christ healed the blind beggar. 4th The Christ got lodgings from Zacchaeus [za-KEE-uhs] who was a chief tax collector. 5th The Christ told a parable about "A certain nobleman who went into a far country”. This parable is also told by Christ on Wednesday [day 6] and is commonly called the parable of the Talents. Mt25.14-30
After the long walk of today I could use a cold beer, but as I have mentioned this Friday evening is the Sabbath and all the beer parlors are closed, and not a McDonalds in sight.

Jericho is situated in the Jordan valley and it is hot even although it is springtime. This is accounted for by the depression of the plain, which is about 1,200 feet below the level of the sea.

Hopefully Saturday will be a easier day with just some time spent in the local synagogue listening to The Christ preach, from what I hear, this is his usual custom for a Saturday. I look forward to reporting to you all tomorrow events and actions. I am sure as we get closer the Passover the action will heat up. So stand by!


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